Thursday, March 21, 2013

Strongyloides stercoralis Embryonated Ova in the Lung

 A 65-year-old Vietnamese immigrant was hospitalized for persistent abdominal pain and malodorous black stools. He was being treated with glucocorticoids for giant-cell arteritis. Endoscopic examination showed duodenal ulceration with duodenitis. The patient's hospital course was complicated by several episodes of bacteremia with enteric organisms. Increased respiratory effort required endotracheal intubation. Subsequently, the microbiology laboratory incidentally discovered numerous larvae and several embryonated ova with moving larvae in a tracheal aspirate sample.

Read more:
Strongyloides stercoralis Embryonated Ova in the Lung  

Source: NEJM

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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