Monday, April 15, 2013

How blood wastage impacts upon blood shortage levels within the UK

Blood transfusions are required for many purposes and procedures – they are not simply reserved for people who have suffered severe accidents or traumas.  Blood donations are used in many different situations to treat a large number of different illnesses and conditions. These can include cancer treatments, severe anaemia, childbirth; all of these conditions can result in people needing blood to make them safe & healthy.  It stands to reason, therefore, that when blood stores become low it is dangerous: and is often the difference between life and death.

Read more: 
How blood wastage impacts upon blood shortage levels within the UK

Source: Gael

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS


  1. *Blood Management - Effective hospital Blood stock management is dependent upon levels, wastage,impact assessment[request & issue]*

  2. * maldistribution of blood rather than true shortage.
    * due to ineffective hospital blood stock management too.*
