As laboratorians, we are well aware of many horror medical and legal
stories regarding mislabeling lab specimens. The American Society for
Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM), the College of American Pathologists
(CAP), The Joint Commission and other healthcare oversight entities
have addressed and provided several solutions (e.g., National Patient
Safety Goals) to remedy the problem. Specimen mislabeling is generally
thought to occur in cases where the identity label of the donor is being
taped to another donor's specimen container. Mislabeling also occurs in
cases when the donors' names are mixed up on blood transfusions or drug
urinalysis screenings. Other lab specimen mislabels also occur, such as
when the wrong word is affixed to the wrong type of specimen (e.g.,
blood types).
Read more:
Mislabeling Hinders Quality
Source: ADVANCE for Administrators of the Laboratory
Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
Pre- Analytical Stage Error!