Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Multipotent vs. pluripotent stem cells


"I’m in doubt regarding myelodysplasia – is it multipotent or pluripotent?
That’s a great question because it lets us talk about hematopathology and also stem cells."

Myelodysplasia is a hematopoietic disorder in which cells in the bone marrow grow funny (“dysplasia”) – they might be binucleate, or not have the normal number of granules, or whatever. In addition, some cases have an increase in blasts in the bone marrow – but not over 20%, or you’d call it an acute leukemia. Some cases transform, eventually, into an acute myeloid leukemia; others just stay the way they are and don’t become nasty.

Read more:
Multipotent vs. pluripotent stem cells

Source: Pathology Student

Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS.

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