Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Americans diagnosed with Lyme disease: Number may be 10 times more than reported

Preliminary estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the number of Americans diagnosed with Lyme disease each year is around 300,000.

This early estimate is based on findings from three ongoing CDC studies that use different methods, but all aim to define the approximate number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year. The first project analyzes medical claims information for approximately 22 million insured people annually for six years, the second project is based on a survey of clinical laboratories and the third project analyzes self-reported Lyme disease cases from a survey of the general public.

 Read more:
Americans diagnosed with Lyme disease: Number may be 10 times more than reported

Source: Science Daily
Image credits: CDC / James Gathany; William Nicholson

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
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