Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sex with laboratory science nerds?

There's nothing wrong with finding science fans sexy, but it's a turn-off when they assume women aren't interested in sex.

As a horny girl who is also interested in science, most of the men I fancy are those who self-identify as nerds. Guys who like science, maths, video games, who are horrified that I don't like Star Wars, or are generally geekily interested in the world around them in a way that's both fascinating and sexy. I'm not, by the way, saying all scientists are nerds, or that all nerds are scientists. Just that a lot of the scientists I have met would proudly wear the "nerd" badge – a fact that immediately draws me to them.

Read more:
Sex with science nerds 

Source: TheGuardian
Image credits: Elodie Under Glass

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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