Saturday, August 3, 2013

The 4-point test to predict death risk from C. difficile

Accurate, robust and simple method of identification has potential benefits to patients, hospitals and health services around the world

The 4-point test include: serum albumin levels (protein in blood plasma); respiratory rate; C-reactive protein (a protein found in blood, the levels of which rise in inflammation); and white cell count.

"This really simple and quick tool, which any junior doctor could use in the middle of the night quickly and easily, flags up those who need a speedy and intensive treatment regime or more senior help. The quicker we get on with the right treatment for the right patient the better their chances of recovery are. This is a tool that should be used in every hospital in the UK as soon as possible: if we did so we would save more lives."

Read more:
The 4-point test to predict death risk from C. difficile

Source: Eurekalert

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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