Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Albumin Quality Goals

What's the Right Goal for Albumin?

On a more specific level, even for laboratories that are attempting to assess and assure quality, the question of goals, targets and requirements are a challenge. The main question for labs is, "What is the Right Goal for this Test?" While the 1999 Stockholm hierarchy identifies an approach, the ideal quality goals - goals developed based on the evidence of how the test results are actually used by clinicians - are rare indeed. Even for well-studied assays that have been used in medicine for decades, there is still a wide disparity on the actual goal that should used for quality.

This table is adapted from a study by Friedecky, Kratochvila and Budina in a 2011 article in CCLM. You can see that the Desirable Biologic "Ricos goal" is small for Albumin, while Rilibak, SEKK, and the Spanish Minimum Consensus set the target mich larger, above 10%.

Login to Westgard QC and read more:
Albumin Quality Goals

Source: Westgard QC
Image credits: Friedecky, Kratochvila and Budina

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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