Friday, October 25, 2013

Can You Solve This QC Mystery?

Recently, one of our readers sent in a mystery: a set of discrepant QC results. For this laboratory, QC data points recorded on the instrument did not match with some data points recorded at the LIS. Now I should immediately note that this laboratory had already solved the mystery - they just wanted to share some of what they had experienced and try to help other labs in the future.

At different dates, an audit of instrument records and LIS records discovered different QC values for magnesium:

Magnesium, example
LIS QC result 2.0
Control range 1.78 - 2.02
Analyzer audit report 2.1 and 2.2

First off, you can see that the analyzer had some values that were out. Presumably, a control was out, it was repeated and it was still out. But the LIS value is in.

Read more and find out the solution for this mystery:
Can You Solve This QC Mystery?

Source: Westgard QC
Image credits: Westgard QC

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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