Saturday, October 5, 2013

Potassium Quality: What's the right Goal? What's the actual performance?

On a more specific level, even for laboratories that are attempting to assess and assure quality, the question of goals, targets and requirements are a challenge. The main question for labs is, "What is the Right Goal for this Test?" While the 1999 Stockholm hierarchy identifies an approach, the ideal quality goals - goals developed based on the evidence of how the test results are actually used by clinicians - are rare indeed. Even for well-studied assays that have been used in medicine for decades, there is still a wide disparity on the actual goal that should used for quality.

Register to and read more:
Potassium Quality Goals 

Image credits (table): Friedecky, Kratochvila and Budina in a 2011 article in CCLM

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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