Monday, April 28, 2014

What’s New with Hyperlipidemia in 2014?

AHA statistics 2014 in USA
  • 787,000 deaths from Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • 1 of every 3.0 deaths in U.S. is from CV disease
  • 1 death q. 40 sec from CVD
  • CVD kills more than ALL forms of cancer combined
  • Number 1 killer of women
  •  ~50% of African‐American adults have some CVD
Read more:
What’s New with Hyperlipidemia in 2014?

Source: Brian V. Reamy, MD, FAAFP, Col(Ret), Associate Dean for Faculty & Professor of Family Medicine Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD
Image credits: Nur Jameel C.

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