Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Clean Microscope Optics

Unsatisfactory image quality can have various causes. If you can rule out wrong microscope settings such as inhomogeneous illumination or an incorrect diaphragm setting, the next step is to check the specimen. If the specimen is OK, inspect the specimen slide and the coverslip and clean if necessary. If you still cannot find the reason for the loss of quality, and are using the right immersion oil, the problem might be due to dirt in the microscope itself.
  • Causes of unsatisfactory image quality
  • Components accessible to the user
  • Locating the impurity
  • Removing the impurity
  • Remove loose dirt with compressed air, solid dirt with cleaning liquids
  • Avoid impurities in the first place, if possible
Read more:
How to Clean Microscope Optics

Source: Leica Science Lab

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