Monday, June 9, 2014

IFCC programmes to assist developing countries

IFCC recognizes that the extent and quality of laboratory testing in many developing countries lags behind what is required in advanced countries. In many developed countries it is stated, although without scientific proof, that 50-70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory test results. This underlying importance of laboratory testing is a primary reason why IFCC, within the limits of its resources, is determined to assist the progressive evolution and thereby the improvement of laboratory testing in developing countries.

A leaflet has been designed by the Immediate Past-President Prof. Jocelyn Hicks together with Executive Board Member and the Past-President of the African Federation of Clinical Chemistry Prof. Vanessa Steenkamp, to assist developing countries in understanding the programmes that are available for Member associations and their individual members. It serves as an interpretation of the"Developing Quality Competence in Medical Laboratories"(DQCML) programme.

Read more and find the leaflet here:
IFCC programmes to assist developing countries

Source: IFCC

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