Saturday, January 31, 2015

Turbid plasma donations

No objective guidelines exist regarding handling of turbid blood units in developing countries. Therefore, use or discard of such units is decided as per local protocols which are mostly subjective and vary over time. Some of such turbid units are removed by blood centers at the time of preparation when 'milky appearance' is very gross, while some are returned by treating doctor at the time of transfusion. Overall, the frequency of lipemic donations ranges between 0.31 and 0.35%, although sporadic reports have highlighted that the frequency might be much higher, up to 13%. Nonetheless, a significant numbers of such blood and plasma units are thus discarded each year.

Thus, the blood donors, the blood center, as well as the transfusion recipient; all are impacted by such turbid donations. Therefore, there is an imminent need to have studies on large sample size with an objective of providing guidelines for blood centres for testing as well as use of these turbid donations for blood transfusion purpose.

Read more:
Turbid plasma donations: Need for quantification

Source: : Asian J Transfus Sci

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