Sunday, December 27, 2015

Free Online Blood Cell Image Gallery

Sysmex scientific image gallery includes 191 pictures of blood cells from bone marrow and peripheral blood. Every image includes als a description of a cell. The image gallery is part of the Sysmex Academy and it is completely free. Enjoy.

Segmented neutrophil
Size: 12-15 µm
Nucleus: clumped chromatin and mostly divided into 2-5 distinct segments connected with filaments. Cytoplasm: acidophilic with many fine reddish granules spread evenly. Function: phagocytosis, play an important role in the unspecific immune defense, in the tissue they defend the mucosa against bacteria and fungi.

Size: 15-25 µm
Nucleus: oval with identifiable nucleoli and diffuse chromatin structure Cytoplasm: basophilic with visible golgi-zone and eye-catching azurophil granula (primary granulation).

Open gallery here:
Sysmex Scientific Image Gallery

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