Thursday, March 3, 2016

IFBLS Awards for Biomedical Laboratory Scientists are Available

The Award Program for 2016 is very interesting and the winners will be announced in Kobe during the Award Ceremony of the 32nd World Congress in Kobe.

On behalf of the IFBLS Board of Directors and the Awards Committee, The presidet of IFBLS would like to remind you that the Award Program is on and all the application forms are available on IFBLS website.

The deadline for the application forms is April 1, 2016.

Available awards:
  • The Award Program 2016 includes:
  • Nordic Award;
  • Elisabeth Pletscher Award;
  • Student Award;
  • Good Poster Award;
  • DVTA Continuing Education Award;
  • JAMT Award;
  • Past President Award; 
  • Tsukuba Medical Laboratory of Education and Research (TMER) supports the Project of Supporting Overseas Trainee in 2016 which deadline is on March 30, 2016.
Application forms:

Read more:

Source: IFBLS

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