Friday, September 2, 2016

Blood Sample Spontaneously Unhemolyzes Because Nurse Asks Nicely

PHILADELPHIA, PA – Sources from a local hospital are reporting a miracle, after a sample received by the laboratory spontaneously unhemolyzed following a discussion with the nurse.

The sample was drawn in the PICU, sent to the lab, and accessioned by medical laboratory technician Nancy Stewart. “After processing the specimen, I noticed the serum was pink, indicating gross hemolysis,” says Stewart. That meant having to call the PICU to request a new sample. Stewart says it’s the best part of her job. “I mean, who wouldn’t love getting yelled at for something they can’t control?”

But luckily for Stewart, PICU nurse Linda Nelson was in a good mood. “Normally, I would be pretty annoyed,” says Nelson. “I would berate the lab tech, accuse her of sabotage, and refuse to draw a new sample. But this time, instead of fighting, I just apologized and politely asked if she could recheck the sample. If it was still hemolyzed, I would gladly obtain a new specimen.”

Read more:
Blood Sample Spontaneously Unhemolyzes Because Nurse Asks Nicely

Source: GomerBlog

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