Saturday, November 19, 2016

I love my microbiome

Let's face it. We live in a world full of bacteria. From the food you eat to the door knob you just turned, these tiny critters are everywhere. Many people think of bacteria as dangerous and dirty, and I'm sure if you're the type who uses hand sanitizer every five minutes, you probably already feel creepy-crawly. While there are many bad bugs that can have serious health consequences, the bacteria in our gut play a critical role in keeping us healthy. These bacteria are our friends not our foes.

The gut is one of the most complex ecosystems on the planet. In fact, your gut is home to trillions of bacteria. There are 10 times more microorganisms in and on our body than there are human cells! 10 times!! These tiny microorganisms, called intestinal flora, have many important functions, from supporting your immune system and digestive system to playing large role in our emotions and mental health. If you look after your little friends, you are guaranteed better health. Here's what you need to know about your microbiome.

Read more:
Say Hello To Your Little Friends. What You Should Know about Gut Bacteria — Sprouting From The Soul

Source: Sproyting from the soul

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most anthropocentric / gene-centric representations I have seen of how chemotaxis and phototaxis must link energy-dependent hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution from SNPs and RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to the physiology of reproduction and biodiversity in all living genera.

    Do you see the eyes on organisms that must use the de novo creation of G protein coupled receptors to find food and reproduce in the same way as all organisms on Earth must do that? If you love the way your microbiome links metabolic networks to genetic networks via the microRNAome, learn how virus-driven energy theft links viral microRNAs to all pathology in all living genera via the physiology of their nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled reproduction.
