Saturday, November 5, 2016

Laboratory’s role in healthcare quality

Healthcare providers depend on accurate and precise lab results in order to do their jobs well and give patients the best possible care. Often, laboratory results are the decision point in a patient’s treatment. With so much on the line, it’s no surprise that laboratories everywhere are committed to constant improvement.

USA is having Healthcare Quality Week in October. This week is designated to celebrate and acknowledge the work of healthcare quality professionals perform all year round. Quality professionals address many issues in the healthcare workplace including risk management, patient safety, and quality improvement.

Let’s have a closer look at some of the ways that laboratories contribute to patient safety and healthcare quality every day:
  • Quality control
  • External quality assessment (Proficiency testing)
  • Specially trained personnel
  • Top level documentation
  • Internal audits
Read more:
The Laboratory’s Central Role in Healthcare Quality

Source: LabTestingMatters
Image: Lego

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