Wednesday, November 23, 2016

New testing options for Trichomonas vaginalis

According to epidemiologic research, Trichomonas vaginalis remains the most prevalent non-viral sexually transmitted infection (STI) globally.

There have been many exciting technological advances in the diagnosis of T. vaginalis over the last five years. New nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) options, some laboratory-based and others not, continue to be developed in this rapidly changing arena of molecular diagnostics. Several new assays are now available and the list is ever changing and evolving.

New assays offer a wide variety of solutions that make it possible to provide testing for trichomonas in almost any setting.
  • RNA-based transcription mediation amplification assays
  • DNA-based transcription mediation amplification assays
  • Point-of-care (POC) assays
Read more:
New testing options for Trichomonas vaginalis respond to growing awareness

 Source: MLO

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