Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Routine EKG finding could signal serious heart problem

A common test that records the heart's electrical activity could predict potentially serious cardiovascular illness, according to a UC San Francisco-led study.
A cardiac condition called left anterior fascicular block (LAFB), in which scarring occurs in a section of the left ventricle, may not be as benign as currently thought and could increase the likelihood of heart failure, sudden cardiac death or atrial fibrillation.

Read more:
Routine EKG finding could signal serious heart problem

Source: Science daily

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS


  1. *Good marker for progressive problems with the heart's electrical conduction system.*

  2. * It means a PR interval of longer than 200 milliseconds had twice the risk of developing Fibrial atrillation, 3X the risk of needing a pacemeker almost 1 1/2 times the risk of premature death.*
