Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Haematology - Check That Slide

There may be nothing in the clinical lab that wastes more time and is more poorly implemented and understood than hematology review criteria. Hematology is a strange animal. It doesn't lend itself to sharp black and white rules and distinctions. It's subjective, murky and sometimes frustrating because you must deal with things like: How many atypical lymphs are significant? How atypical must they be to count? Should you look at a slide with a low hemoglobin? Why? Does a pathologist need to look at a slide with macrocytosis? These, and the dozens of questions like them, are the type of nebulous questions you have to deal with daily in hematology. And most labs do a lousy job of addressing them. The result? Too much unneeded work. 

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Check That Slide on ADVANCE for Medical Laboratory Professionals


Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

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