Saturday, December 12, 2015

How to ensure the quality of preanalytical phase and point-of-care testing

These are the themes of Nordic Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine 2016. The congress will be held on 11-12 February, 2016 in Helsinki, Finland


Preanalytics is currently the most interesting topic in laboratory medicine all over Europe. Should there be failures in some preanalytical steps, the consequent analysis result can be worthless. The Preanalytics session will focus on the management of the preanalytical phase and how to handle patient preparation & guidance, highlighting the importance of sampling and logistic issues. The speakers from Europe and Canada will touch the key preanalytical factors in different disciplines including biochemistry, haematology, microbiology and pathology.

Point-of-Care testing (POCT)

Utilising POCT is growing rapidly in many countries. When executed with high quality and based on medical needs, POCT gives immediate benefits for the patient and generally speeds up the treatment process. Join the POCT session to share the latest Nordic developments and be inspired by the best practices in Switzerland and Australia. The program also highlights external quality assessment, data management and current standards used in POCT accreditation.

Program Thursday 11th February, 2016

Demand management in the preanalytical phase
Tim Lang, Dr, FRCPath, Consultant Clinical Scientist
Clinical Biochemistry Department, University Hospital of North Durham, UK

How to guide and prepare the patient and the importance of sampling
Mads Nybo, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Physician
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University hospital of Odense, Denmark

The ways in which we measure and grade preanalytic and postanalytic performance in microbiology by Performance Testing
Michael Noble, M.D., FRCPC
The University of British Columbia in Vancouver BC, Canada

Preanalytics in coagulation lab: why struggle for better results?
Valdas Banys, Ph.D.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Vilnius, Lithuania

The “preanalytical question” in anatomical pathology – implications and challenges for personalized medicine in a digital world
Pedro Soares de Oliveira, M.D.
Department of Pathology, Hospital da Luz, Lisbon, Portugal

Logistics and preanalytical factors in specimen transportation – how it’s done locally, nationally and on an international scale
Tommi Vaskivuo, M.D., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Chief Medical Officer
synlab, Finland

Program Friday 12th February, 2016

POCT for glucose measurements in different matrix – reference systems can provide solutions for improved analytical quality
Gerhard Schumann, Professor, Dr
Hannover Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Hannover, Germany

POCT in Switzerland
Roman Fried, Ph.D., MBA
Institute of Clinical Chemistry, University hospital of Zürich, Switzerland 

Challenges in POCT for coagulation
Piet Meijer, Ph.D.
The ECAT Foundation, Voorschoten, The Netherlands

POCT accreditation based on ISO standards 15189 and 22870 in Germany
Ralf Bauerndistel, Dr., Lead Assessor
German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), Germany

Medical device connectivity
Michael Aistrup Nielsen, Global Product Manager, DM & CS
HemoCue, Denmark

EQA of POCT methods: how to interpret results?
Anne Stavelin, Ph.D.
NOKLUS, Bergen, Norway

POCT – the Australian experience
Tony Badrick, Ph.D. Chief Executive
RCPAQAP, Australia

Welcome to Helsinki

Throughout its 450-year history, maritime Helsinki has swung between the currents of Eastern and Western influences. The lifestyle in the second most northern capital city in the world is full of contrasts and fascinating habit cultures. Influences from both the East and West are visible in the city’s architecture, culinary culture, events, traditions and many other elements that are unique to the way of life in Helsinki.

Nordic Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine

Useful links

>> Labquality Days 2016
>> Scientific program
>> Download program (pdf)
>> Registration

See you in Helsinki!

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