Thursday, March 21, 2013

What are FDPs and D-dimers?

What is the difference between FDPs and D-dimers?
Fibrin degradation products (FDPs) and D-dimers are both little fibrin-containing molecules that you can measure in the blood. There’s an important difference between the two, though, that I’ll mention in a minute.

Read more:
What’s the difference between FDPs and D-dimers?

Source:  Pathology Student

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

1 comment:

  1. Comsumptive Coagulopathy- Increased FDPs(Fibrin Degradation Product)indicate Disseminated Intra-vascular Coagulation(DIC)or Fibrinolysis , D-dimers is used to detect DIC or Fibrinolysis in an Immuno-assay using monoclonal antibodies specific for the cross-linked D-dimers.
