Terms of Reference
- Establish operating procedures for the formal assessment of the commutability of a reference material intended for use as a calibrator, trueness control or EQA sample, taking into account different measurement procedure properties and categories of traceability described in ISO 17511.
- Establish how to define the degree of commutability which is required for a given reference material, taking into account its intended use and the intended use of the measurand. The degree of commutability becomes the criteria used in the assessment process.
- Propose standard terminology to describe the degree of commutability of a reference material, taking into account its intended use.
- Provide guidance to manufacturers and laboratories about what information should be provided by manufacturers in relation to the commutability of reference materials used to establish the calibration traceability of a measurement procedure.
- Advise IFCC Committees and Working Groups on how to assess the commutability of materials on which they are working.
- Develop educational materials regarding commutability for manufacturers, laboratories and users of laboratory results.
IFCC - SD WG Commutability
Source: IFCC
Image credits: Sigma-Aldrich/ European communities
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