Saturday, July 27, 2013

Genetic "fine-tuners" and breast cancer

Last year an international team led by Cancer Research UK scientists at our Cambridge Research Institute unveiled the results of a huge research project called METABRIC. They used advanced gene sequencing techniques to analyse the patterns of gene activity in breast tumours from thousands of women, revealing the molecular ‘signature’ of each tumour. The results showed that the disease could be divided into ten distinct subtypes, each with its own characteristics and outlook.

That work was just the beginning of the story. Since then, the researchers, led by Professor Carlos Caldas, have been delving into these subtypes in ever greater depth, trying to figure out what makes them different and how we can tackle each one more effectively.

Read more:
Genetic "fine-tuners" and breast cancer 

Source: Al Jazeera

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine
Twitter: LaboratoryEQAS

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