Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Comparative Study of Clinical Profiles of Vivax and Falciparum Malaria in Children

Falciparum malaria has been constantly associated with high morbidity and mortality for a long time. Vivax malaria, which was once thought to be a relatively benign condition, is appearing in its more malignant form, with severity gradually becoming a serious concern.

Eighty Five patients were found to be suffering from malaria. 61 (71.8%) had vivax malaria, while 24 (28.2%) patients suffered from falciparum. Larger majority of malaria patients in both the groups happened to be males. The detailed study of morbidity profile clearly establishes that the complication related severity, earlier attributed to only falciparum is equally seen in vivax. Thrombocytopenia was the commonest finding in both. Other complications seen in both groups were those of cerebral malaria, severe anemia, ARDS, renal failure, malarial hepatitis, leucocytopenia, pancytopenia, shock with multiorgan dysfunction and hemoglobinuria. Even the mortality in the two groups was of the same order as p value calculated for the difference between the two species was well above 0.05.

Vivax malaria is an important cause of mortality and morbidity. The severity of illness is almost similar in both vivax and falciparum malaria.

Read more:
A Comparative Study of Clinical Profiles of Vivax and Falciparum Malaria in Children at a Tertiary Care Centre in Uttarakhand

Source: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Image credits:  Microbeworld


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