Sunday, December 29, 2013

Handbook of Bacteriology - Free eBook

Handbook of Bacteriology
by Amrita Rohilla
ISBN(Hardbound):  9789380179476
Pages: 307
Language: English
Year of Pub.: 2010

Hand book of Bacteriology provides and excellent introduction to Bacteria for a wide range of Undergraduate student and Postgraduate student. In addition to bring a first-rate general introduction to the subject for student whose courses include Microbiology as a component? These include student of Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Medicine, Pharmacy and Agriculture, as well as Food Science, Biotechnology, Ecology and Environmental Science.

The text concentrates on the essential aspects of Bacteriology and thus provides the student with a broadly based overview of subject. Thus the scope of each chapter has been broadened enough to provide information on historical landmarks as well as new facts from current issues of major journals. Chapters have received special attention to make the student aware of future possibilities in Microbiology.  

Download here:
Handbook of bacteriology (pdf, 19,8 Mt)

Source: Free Microbiology Books


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