Routine urinalysis is a cost-effective, non-invasive test used as an indicator of health or disease for metabolic and renal disorders, infection, drug abuse, pregnancy, and nutrition. Urine chemistry can be completed in a number of different ways, ranging from manual reading of a visual urine test strip to the use of semi-automated analyzers to loading the sample on a fully automated urine chemistry analyzer. There is one thing that all methods have in common: a urine chemistry reagent strip.
Urine chemistry reagent strips comes in many different configurations, depending on their use. The most common tests include bilirubin, urobilinogen, glucose, ketones, protein, blood, nitrite, leukocyte esterase, and pH. In addition, some manufacturers include urine chemistry reagent pads for specific gravity, ascorbic acid, microalbumin, creatinine, and color. While urine chemistry testing is common, it is important to understand the test and its limitations to ensure accuracy of the test and recognize the factors that can cause incorrect results. Manufacturers have improved urine chemistry analysis by including additional tests to easily identify common interferences.
- Bilirubin
- Urobilinogen
- Ketones
- Glucose
- Protein
- Blood
- Nitrites
- Leukocytes
- pH
- Specific gravity
- Ascorbic acid
- Color
Read more about the factors that can cause incorrect results.:
Rediscovering urine chemistry—and understanding its limitations
Source: MLO