Sepsis, the inflammatory response to infection, is quickly becoming one of the biggest healthcare problems worldwide. No matter the perspective one takes, the numbers are staggering. Currently the number of diagnosed cases per year in the United States is at least 750,000; some estimates surpass one million. Worldwide mortality estimates are as high as 20 percent, and thus we are dealing with one of the biggest drivers of mortality in modern medicine. Sepsis kills nearly as many people as heart attack, HIV, and breast cancer combined.
An “upgraded” CBC-diff results can be used as early warning biomarkers
even before clinical suspicion would justify the ordering of more costly
tests such as procalcitonin.
For these reasons, researchers have recently published numerous
studies on new strategies to leverage already available CBC-diff data
for early detection of sepsis. These strategies fall in two broad
categories: multi-parametric algorithms, and utilization of cellular
morphologic data.
Read more:
Sepsis and the hematology laboratory

Source: MLO
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