Moshe Pritsker, CEO and co-founder of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), was pursuing a PhD at Princeton University when he had a light bulb moment that would change the course of his career.
"I saw that everyone working in labs has the same problem: They have to learn experiments done by others to integrate new technologies into their work," Pritsker explained. "So they read a scientific article from a journal and try to reproduce what they've read at their laboratory bench. Once, twice, three times and it doesn't work. Typically they repeat it nine or 10 times, and then they have no choice. They have to find someone who has done this experiment and who knows the techniques, and this usually means they have travel to learn all the small details that are often left out in written descriptions but exist in real life in the lab."
Vatch example training video: Capsular Serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae Using the Quellung Reaction
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Video Training in the Lab

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