Bugs and microbes are the love in my life
Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine. Clinical laboratory and biomedical science related news, abstracts and images for medical laboratory professionals, students and other laboratory geeks.
Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Compliance of blood sampling procedures with the CLSI guidelines
An observational study was conducted in 12 European countries by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase (EFLM WG-PRE) to assess the level of compliance with the CLSI H3-A6 guidelines.
Twelve European countries participated with a median of 33 (18 – 36) audits per country, and a total of 336 audits. The median error rate for the total phlebotomy procedure was 26.9 % (10.6 – 43.8), indicating a low overall compliance with the recommended CLSI guideline. Patient identification and test tube labelling were identified as the key guideline issues with the highest combination of probability and potential risk of harm. Administrative staff did not adhere to patient identification procedures during phlebotomy, whereas physicians did not adhere to test tube labelling policy.
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cclm20141053.indd - 2.15 Simundic CCLM-2014-1053.pdf
Source: EFLM
Twelve European countries participated with a median of 33 (18 – 36) audits per country, and a total of 336 audits. The median error rate for the total phlebotomy procedure was 26.9 % (10.6 – 43.8), indicating a low overall compliance with the recommended CLSI guideline. Patient identification and test tube labelling were identified as the key guideline issues with the highest combination of probability and potential risk of harm. Administrative staff did not adhere to patient identification procedures during phlebotomy, whereas physicians did not adhere to test tube labelling policy.
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cclm20141053.indd - 2.15 Simundic CCLM-2014-1053.pdf
Source: EFLM
Morphological evaluation of monocytes
The monocyte is still the most difficult cell to identify with confidence in the peripheral blood or in the bone marrow in healthy individuals as well as in patients with infections, and in those with leukemic proliferations. The goal of this study was to establish morphological definitions so that monocytes, including immature monocytes, could be separated from the spectrum of monocyte precursors. Cells from peripheral blood or bone marrow were selected to provide a large panel of normal and leukemic cells at different maturational stages and were submitted to 5 experts, who had previously reached a consensus, on the basis of microscopy, in defining 4 subtypes: monoblast, promonocyte, immature monocyte, mature, monocyte. They achieved a good concordance rate of 76.6% and a high κ rate confirming that the criteria for defining the 4 subtypes could be applied consistently. It has now to be established whether these monocyte subtypes correlate with immunological or molecular markers and are clinically relevant.
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Morphological evaluation of monocytes and their precursors
Source: EHA
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Morphological evaluation of monocytes and their precursors
Source: EHA
Turbid plasma donations
No objective guidelines exist regarding handling of turbid blood units in developing countries. Therefore, use or discard of such units is decided as per local protocols which are mostly subjective and vary over time. Some of such turbid units are removed by blood centers at the time of preparation when 'milky appearance' is very gross, while some are returned by treating doctor at the time of transfusion. Overall, the frequency of lipemic donations ranges between 0.31 and 0.35%, although sporadic reports have highlighted that the frequency might be much higher, up to 13%. Nonetheless, a significant numbers of such blood and plasma units are thus discarded each year.
Thus, the blood donors, the blood center, as well as the transfusion recipient; all are impacted by such turbid donations. Therefore, there is an imminent need to have studies on large sample size with an objective of providing guidelines for blood centres for testing as well as use of these turbid donations for blood transfusion purpose.
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Turbid plasma donations: Need for quantification
Source: : Asian J Transfus Sci
Thus, the blood donors, the blood center, as well as the transfusion recipient; all are impacted by such turbid donations. Therefore, there is an imminent need to have studies on large sample size with an objective of providing guidelines for blood centres for testing as well as use of these turbid donations for blood transfusion purpose.
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Turbid plasma donations: Need for quantification
Source: : Asian J Transfus Sci
Malassezia Yeast Infections
Malassezia yeasts have been found in human dandruff, deep-sea vents, and pretty much everywhere in between. The skin of most if not all warm-blooded animals is covered with these microbes, and while they mostly live in peaceful co-existence with their hosts, they can cause serious diseases in humans and animals. While treatments exist for most of these, when treating Malassezia skin diseases, one should always bear in mind that Malassezia yeasts are integral components of the skin microbiota, and therefore the therapeutic target should be controlling the Malassezia population rather than eradicating it.
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Malassezia Yeast Infections in Humans and Animals
Source: MicrobiologyBytes
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Malassezia Yeast Infections in Humans and Animals
Source: MicrobiologyBytes
Friday, January 30, 2015
An Infant with Persistent Jaundice and a Normal Newborn Direct Bilirubin
A 54-day-old infant of Asian descent presented with jaundice. He first started appearing yellow a few weeks after birth. His pediatrician initially recommended increasing sunlight exposure. At subsequent visits, the pediatrician recommended stopping breastfeeding. Despite these interventions, the infant's jaundice persisted and his stools became pale. At 52 days of life (DoL), he had a serum bilirubin measured, and the reported “Bilirubin, Direct” concentration of 5.54 mg/dL (reference interval, 0.0–0.4 mg/dL) prompted an immediate referral (see Table 1 for a summary of laboratory results).
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An Infant with Persistent Jaundice and a Normal Newborn Direct Bilirubin Measurement
Source: Clinical Chemistry
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An Infant with Persistent Jaundice and a Normal Newborn Direct Bilirubin Measurement
Source: Clinical Chemistry
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Diagnostic errors and laboratory medicine – causes and strategies
While the frequency of laboratory errors varies greatly, depending on the study design and steps of the total testing process (TTP) investigated, a series of papers published in the last two decades drew the attention of laboratory professionals to the pre- and post-analytical phases, which currently appear to be more vulnerable to errors than the analytical phase. In particular, a high frequency of errors and risk of errors that could harm patients has been described in both the pre-pre- and post-post-analytical steps of the cycle that usually are not under the laboratory control. In 2008, the release of a Technical Specification (ISO/TS 22367) by the International Organization for Standardization played a key role in collecting the evidence and changing the perspective on laboratory errors, emphasizing the need for a patient-centred approach to errors in laboratory testing.
A further step in the journey towards improved understanding of the issue is the recent demonstration that errors in laboratory medicine are part of a much wider issue, commonly known as “diagnostic error”, thus definitively linking laboratory-associated errors to patient safety problems. The current awareness of the nature of laboratory testing-associated errors, in particular the link between appropriate test ordering and result interpretation/utilization, and their potential in reducing diagnostic errors, should herald a change in the old paradigm which was focused only on errors detected within the laboratory walls. Evidence-based quality indicators represent a
formidable tool for improving quality and decreasing the risk of errors in the total testing process.
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eJIFCC January 2015.pdf
Source: eJIFCC, Mario Phlebani
A further step in the journey towards improved understanding of the issue is the recent demonstration that errors in laboratory medicine are part of a much wider issue, commonly known as “diagnostic error”, thus definitively linking laboratory-associated errors to patient safety problems. The current awareness of the nature of laboratory testing-associated errors, in particular the link between appropriate test ordering and result interpretation/utilization, and their potential in reducing diagnostic errors, should herald a change in the old paradigm which was focused only on errors detected within the laboratory walls. Evidence-based quality indicators represent a
formidable tool for improving quality and decreasing the risk of errors in the total testing process.
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eJIFCC January 2015.pdf
Source: eJIFCC, Mario Phlebani
Inside the Blood Factory That Keeps Track of the World's Rare Donors
When most of us think of "rare blood," we think of AB-positive or O-negative. But it turns out there are far, far rarer types than that. In Filton, England, there's a lab that handles blood donations from across the UK—and identifies this super-rare blood.
Photographer Greg White recently got a tour of the NHS Blood & Transplant's Filton Blood Center while on assignment for the science publication Mosaic. The International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) keeps track of "golden blood," because of its extraordinarily rare occurrence and its ability to save the lives of the few people who share it.
The IBGRL has been around since the 1940s, and it's where many major advances in blood science have taken place, like the discovery of many new antigens—the stuff in our blood that invokes immune responses, and the presence or absence of which determines our blood types. But one of its most important roles is keeping track of rare blood donors, both so that they can donate to other rare blood type patients in need, and for equally vital research purposes.
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Inside the Blood Factory That Keeps Track of the World's Rare Donors

Source: Gizmodo
Photographer Greg White recently got a tour of the NHS Blood & Transplant's Filton Blood Center while on assignment for the science publication Mosaic. The International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) keeps track of "golden blood," because of its extraordinarily rare occurrence and its ability to save the lives of the few people who share it.
The IBGRL has been around since the 1940s, and it's where many major advances in blood science have taken place, like the discovery of many new antigens—the stuff in our blood that invokes immune responses, and the presence or absence of which determines our blood types. But one of its most important roles is keeping track of rare blood donors, both so that they can donate to other rare blood type patients in need, and for equally vital research purposes.
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Inside the Blood Factory That Keeps Track of the World's Rare Donors

Source: Gizmodo
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Using Glucose Meters in Intensive Care Units
How should I approach evaluating a glucose meter for use in the ICU?
The answer to this question has both patient care and regulatory considerations. For patient care purposes, the choice of sample type may be as important as the choice of device: arterial whole blood offers the most accurate measurement in the ICU, while capillary sampling may lead to erroneous results in patients with poor tissue perfusion. Venous catheter sampling can lead to overestimation of glucose at higher concentrations depending on meter technology. The ideal approach to evaluating a meter is to collect nearly simultaneously whole blood glucose meter samples and plasma or serum laboratory samples. Using the actual end users to perform bedside measurement—and the intended sample type from ICU patients—allows observation of the variables most likely to impact glucose meter accuracy, such as hematocrit effect, medication interferences, and user errors.
To complement a patient-based assessment of meter accuracy, residual serum or plasma specimens can be spiked with medications used in the ICU to detect interferences. While accuracy (bias) and interferences are the most important factors, meter precision at normal, high, and low glucose concentrations is also important. Fortunately, precision of most hospital-use glucose meters is quite good, with a coefficient of variation <5%.
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Ask the Expert
Source: AACC
Image: Drahomira Springer
The answer to this question has both patient care and regulatory considerations. For patient care purposes, the choice of sample type may be as important as the choice of device: arterial whole blood offers the most accurate measurement in the ICU, while capillary sampling may lead to erroneous results in patients with poor tissue perfusion. Venous catheter sampling can lead to overestimation of glucose at higher concentrations depending on meter technology. The ideal approach to evaluating a meter is to collect nearly simultaneously whole blood glucose meter samples and plasma or serum laboratory samples. Using the actual end users to perform bedside measurement—and the intended sample type from ICU patients—allows observation of the variables most likely to impact glucose meter accuracy, such as hematocrit effect, medication interferences, and user errors.
To complement a patient-based assessment of meter accuracy, residual serum or plasma specimens can be spiked with medications used in the ICU to detect interferences. While accuracy (bias) and interferences are the most important factors, meter precision at normal, high, and low glucose concentrations is also important. Fortunately, precision of most hospital-use glucose meters is quite good, with a coefficient of variation <5%.
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Ask the Expert

Image: Drahomira Springer
CLSI Publishes New Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Standards
This year, M100-S25 has published in tandem with its two related
methodology standards, Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk
Susceptibility Tests; Approved Standard—Twelfth Edition (M02-A12) and
Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
That Grow Aerobically; Approved Standard—Tenth Edition (M07-A10). Using
procedures standardized in M02 and M07, M100 includes the essential data
for drug selection, interpretation, and quality control (QC) needed for
clinical practice.
M100-S25 is available in print and electronic (PDF) formats in tandem with M02-A12, M07-A10, or both documents. CLSI also provides an online implementation of M100-S25 called eM100, which includes all of the information from the M100-S25 document brought to life in an interactive, searchable online tool. Using a Web connection, users can quickly access eM100 in the laboratory and easily sort organisms by tables, organisms, and agents.
All versions and packages of M100-S25, M02-A12, M07-A10, and eM100 can be found in the CLSI Online Shop.
CLSI Publishes New Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Standards
Source: Daily Laboratory News
M100-S25 is available in print and electronic (PDF) formats in tandem with M02-A12, M07-A10, or both documents. CLSI also provides an online implementation of M100-S25 called eM100, which includes all of the information from the M100-S25 document brought to life in an interactive, searchable online tool. Using a Web connection, users can quickly access eM100 in the laboratory and easily sort organisms by tables, organisms, and agents.
All versions and packages of M100-S25, M02-A12, M07-A10, and eM100 can be found in the CLSI Online Shop.
CLSI Publishes New Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Standards
Source: Daily Laboratory News
The Bombay Phenotype
ABO and H are the most important of the currently characterized blood group systems, since incompatibility between transfused red cells and recipient plasma leads to potentially devastating consequences. Those learning about this system spend lots of time memorizing biochemical details that can be overwhelming. In addition, exam-writers seem to enjoy asking questions about unusual entities in these systems that most blood bankers will never see in real life. Specific questions about two very rare situations with altered red blood cell appearances ("phenotypes"), known as "Acquired B" and "Bombay," are very commonly included on examinations.
In brief, ABO antigens on red blood cells are made in a sequential manner. First, long sugar chains attached to either lipids or proteins (glycolipids or glycoproteins, respectively) on the surface of the RBC must be modified through the work of an enzyme encoded by the H (FUT1) gene (chromosome 19) to display H antigen activity (for more details, please see the video above). Only then can the chain be further modified by the action of a second enzyme that adds a single sugar to change that H antigen into either an A or a B antigen. The alleles inherited at the ABO gene site on chromosome 9 (A, B, and/or O) determine which ABO antigens will be expressed on the red cell surface, but again, such a change ONLY happens if the precursor antigen (H) is made first.
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The Bombay Phenotype
Source: A blog for medical laboratory professionals
In brief, ABO antigens on red blood cells are made in a sequential manner. First, long sugar chains attached to either lipids or proteins (glycolipids or glycoproteins, respectively) on the surface of the RBC must be modified through the work of an enzyme encoded by the H (FUT1) gene (chromosome 19) to display H antigen activity (for more details, please see the video above). Only then can the chain be further modified by the action of a second enzyme that adds a single sugar to change that H antigen into either an A or a B antigen. The alleles inherited at the ABO gene site on chromosome 9 (A, B, and/or O) determine which ABO antigens will be expressed on the red cell surface, but again, such a change ONLY happens if the precursor antigen (H) is made first.
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The Bombay Phenotype
Source: A blog for medical laboratory professionals
Study Reveals How Listeria Breaches the Placenta
A gut bacterium called Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes), which is often found in soft cheese, is known to present a risk to pregnant women. Listeria uses distinct tactics to breach the intestine and the placenta, using a protein called phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3-K).
Listeria has two proteins that help it cross mucosal tissue barriers. Both proteins, called internalins A and B, attach to tissue receptors and are needed for Listeria to invade the placenta, but protein A alone can propel Listeria across the intestine. What underlies these differences has remained unknown.
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Study Reveals How Listeria Breaches the Placenta
Source: News wice
Image: CDC online
Listeria has two proteins that help it cross mucosal tissue barriers. Both proteins, called internalins A and B, attach to tissue receptors and are needed for Listeria to invade the placenta, but protein A alone can propel Listeria across the intestine. What underlies these differences has remained unknown.
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Study Reveals How Listeria Breaches the Placenta
Source: News wice
Image: CDC online
DNA Blood Test Gives Women A New Option For Prenatal Screening
Blood Test Provides More Accurate Prenatal Testing For Down Syndrome
Studies have shown that the new fetal DNA tests do a better job. They're less likely to flag a normal pregnancy as high risk. "They're much more accurate than current screening tests, but they are not diagnostic tests in the sense that amniocentesis is."
Even though the newer blood tests do look at fetal DNA, they can't give a definitive answer like an amniocentesis can because they're analyzing scraps of fetal DNA in the mother's blood that are all mixed up with her own DNA.
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DNA Blood Test Gives Women A New Option For Prenatal Screening
Source: NPR
Studies have shown that the new fetal DNA tests do a better job. They're less likely to flag a normal pregnancy as high risk. "They're much more accurate than current screening tests, but they are not diagnostic tests in the sense that amniocentesis is."
Even though the newer blood tests do look at fetal DNA, they can't give a definitive answer like an amniocentesis can because they're analyzing scraps of fetal DNA in the mother's blood that are all mixed up with her own DNA.
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DNA Blood Test Gives Women A New Option For Prenatal Screening
Source: NPR
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Swedish model for PSA testing has little effect on mortality
The spontaneous PSA testing that has been applied in Sweden in recent decades has only had a marginal effect on mortality. An organized screening focused on those who have the most to gain would, however, reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer by over 40 percent. This is shown by studies at the Sahlgrenska Academy.
The studies show that an organized test program both identifies more cancer cases in an early, curable phase and sharply reduces the risk of dying:
Swedish model for PSA testing has little effect on mortality
Sourde: University of Gothenburg
The studies show that an organized test program both identifies more cancer cases in an early, curable phase and sharply reduces the risk of dying:
- In the group of men that was offered organized PSA screening, the risk of dying from prostate cancer decreased by 42 percent. In the group that was exposed to opportunistic screening, only a marginally reduced mortality was seen.
- Converted to a calculation example, one prostate cancer death per 13 men diagnosed with prostate cancer was prevented in organized screening compared with one prostate cancer death per 23 diagnosed men prevented in opportunistic screening.
Swedish model for PSA testing has little effect on mortality
Sourde: University of Gothenburg
A new blood platelet formation mechanism discovered
A new cellular mechanism, called the endocycle, encourages the formation of platelets, the cells needed to coagulate blood. In mouse models, endocycles can help to control thrombocytopenia, a disease caused by a deficit in platelet production that causes heavy haemorrhaging. The new process could act as an alternative source of platelets when the normal mechanisms fail.
The identification of this new way of generating platelets is not just simple scientific curiosity, but it could have medical applications: "We immediately asked ourselves if by reprogramming the cell cycle towards endocycles we could correct the thrombocytopenia induced in other models," says Malumbres. To that end, his group, working together with Juan Méndez, Sagrario Ortega and Mariano Barbacid's CNIO groups, eliminated Cdk1 in mice with severe thrombocytopenia. The loss of Cdk1 was able to increase the number of platelets and reduce thrombocytopenia in these animal models.
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A new blood platelet formation mechanism discovered
Source: CNIO
The identification of this new way of generating platelets is not just simple scientific curiosity, but it could have medical applications: "We immediately asked ourselves if by reprogramming the cell cycle towards endocycles we could correct the thrombocytopenia induced in other models," says Malumbres. To that end, his group, working together with Juan Méndez, Sagrario Ortega and Mariano Barbacid's CNIO groups, eliminated Cdk1 in mice with severe thrombocytopenia. The loss of Cdk1 was able to increase the number of platelets and reduce thrombocytopenia in these animal models.
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A new blood platelet formation mechanism discovered
Source: CNIO
Monday, January 26, 2015
Blood Drops
A perfect gift to a phlebotomist or a laboratory scientist
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Lampwork blood drops
Source: Etsy by DeniseAnnette
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Lampwork blood drops
Source: Etsy by DeniseAnnette
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Handheld ECG Monitor
Easy ECG monitor is a personal single lead electrocardiographic monitor that records user's cardiac functions and displays the data in a clear and precise waveform for daily health check. This device is intended for self-testing by adult users who might experience transient symptoms that may suggest cardiac conduction abnormity or by adult users whenever they want to have routine checks. Detecting and managing irregularities in the heart at an early stage is crucial to preventing worsening of heart diseases.
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Portable Handheld ECG EKG Monitors
Source: Favorite Plus
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Portable Handheld ECG EKG Monitors

Protein Electrophoresis
Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP or SPE) is a laboratory test that examines specific proteins in the blood called globulins. Blood must first be collected, usually into an airtight vial or syringe. Electrophoresis is a laboratory technique in which the blood serum (the fluid portion of the blood after the blood has clotted) is placed into a gel, or into liquid in a capillary tube, and exposed to an electric current to separate the serum protein components into five major fractions by size and electrical charge: serum albumin, alpha-1 globulins, alpha-2 globulins, beta globulins, and gamma globulins.
Positions of major serum proteins in a normal person using electrophoresis in agarose (image)
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serum proteins images flashcards
Source: Quizlet
Positions of major serum proteins in a normal person using electrophoresis in agarose (image)
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serum proteins images flashcards
Source: Quizlet
iPhone Microscope Photoadapter Case
Magnifi is the world’s first iPhone photoadapter case. Magnifi connects the camera on your iPhone 4 / 4S / 5 to your favorite optical instrument, allowing you to take pictures and video through the eyepiece. This includes, binoculars, microscopes, telescopes and almost anything else with an eyepiece.
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Magnifi - iPhone photoadapter case
Source: Magnifi
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Magnifi - iPhone photoadapter case
Source: Magnifi
Saturday, January 24, 2015
New heart attack test could save women's lives
A new cheap blood test doubles the chance of spotting hidden heart attacks in women.
Doctors believe it will save many lives by identifying damage to heart cells that they would otherwise have missed. Existing checks are good at picking up cardiac trouble in men suffering chest pains, with a diagnosis rate of 19 per cent. However the rate for women is only 11 per cent. The new test, which is much more sensitive, produces a 22 per cent rate for both sexes. Patients whose heart attacks are not detected are more likely to have further - potentially fatal - episodes because they are not given the correct treatment.
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New heart attack test will save thousands of women

Source: Daily Mail Online
Doctors believe it will save many lives by identifying damage to heart cells that they would otherwise have missed. Existing checks are good at picking up cardiac trouble in men suffering chest pains, with a diagnosis rate of 19 per cent. However the rate for women is only 11 per cent. The new test, which is much more sensitive, produces a 22 per cent rate for both sexes. Patients whose heart attacks are not detected are more likely to have further - potentially fatal - episodes because they are not given the correct treatment.
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New heart attack test will save thousands of women

Source: Daily Mail Online
Prevalence of Staphylococcus in USA
80 million bacteria sealed with a kiss
As many as 80 million bacteria are transferred during a 10 second kiss, according to research published in the open access journal Microbiome. The study also found that partners who kiss each other at least nine times a day share similar communities of oral bacteria.
The ecosystem of more than 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our bodies - the microbiome - is essential for the digestion of food, synthesizing nutrients, and preventing disease. It is shaped by genetics, diet, and age, but also the individuals with whom we interact. With the mouth playing host to more than 700 varieties of bacteria, the oral microbiota also appear to be influenced by those closest to us.
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80 million bacteria sealed with a kiss
Source: EurekAlert
Image credits: Jon Woodbury photography
The ecosystem of more than 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our bodies - the microbiome - is essential for the digestion of food, synthesizing nutrients, and preventing disease. It is shaped by genetics, diet, and age, but also the individuals with whom we interact. With the mouth playing host to more than 700 varieties of bacteria, the oral microbiota also appear to be influenced by those closest to us.
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80 million bacteria sealed with a kiss
Source: EurekAlert
Image credits: Jon Woodbury photography
NML 2015 - Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists in Nordic Countries
NML Congress 2015 will be held in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, from 4–6 June.
The goal of the congress is to provide participants with an excellent scientific program on the latest research in the profession of Biomedical Science and related specialities in parallel sessions. At this time of the year, Iceland is blooming with endless daylight and this is a good opportunity to explore some of the country's natural attractions.
NML offers you a social program with a welcoming reception and banquet, and tours will be arranged. This offers you the ideal opportunity to form and share friendships and Nordic experiences in the field of Biomedical Science.
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NML 2015 - Welcome
Join NML2015 Facebook page and stay updated
Source: NML
The goal of the congress is to provide participants with an excellent scientific program on the latest research in the profession of Biomedical Science and related specialities in parallel sessions. At this time of the year, Iceland is blooming with endless daylight and this is a good opportunity to explore some of the country's natural attractions.
NML offers you a social program with a welcoming reception and banquet, and tours will be arranged. This offers you the ideal opportunity to form and share friendships and Nordic experiences in the field of Biomedical Science.
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NML 2015 - Welcome
Join NML2015 Facebook page and stay updated
Source: NML
Revolutionary device found to lower blood pressure
The device, developed by ROX Medical and named the ‘Coupler’, is a paper clip sized implant which is inserted between the artery and vein in the upper thigh, in a procedure lasting around 40 minutes under local anaesthetic.
The study findings show that blood pressure treatment with the ROX Coupler can give both patients and doctors an alternative option for treating high blood pressure in the future, particularly when standard therapies have failed. The study has also put the spotlight on how dangerous uncontrolled high blood pressure truly is. During the study there were five hospital admissions for hypertensive crises among the control group and none in the Coupler group.
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Revolutionary device found to lower blood pressure
Source: Queen Mary
The study findings show that blood pressure treatment with the ROX Coupler can give both patients and doctors an alternative option for treating high blood pressure in the future, particularly when standard therapies have failed. The study has also put the spotlight on how dangerous uncontrolled high blood pressure truly is. During the study there were five hospital admissions for hypertensive crises among the control group and none in the Coupler group.
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Revolutionary device found to lower blood pressure
Source: Queen Mary
The language of T lymphocytes deciphered
How can our immune system defend us against aggressors so diverse among them as viruses, parasites, fungi and tumors? The secret lies in the large number of clones of T and B lymphocytes, each of which expresses a particular specific receptor. Until a few years ago, deciphering the complexity of this vast repertoire was considered impossible. A "Rosetta stone", or a key for decoding, was missing in order to “translate” and understand this "language" in all its complexity. Today, thanks to the development of new methods for DNA sequencing (next generation sequencing, NGS), it is possible to obtain millions of sequences that represent the “identity card” of T lymphocytes. But how is it possible to use this data to trace back to the specificity of the single clones, and how can we understand their function?
This study describes a new approach that allows deciphering the language of T lymphocytes, which are cells of the immune system that protect us from pathogens and tumors. Combining methods of next generation sequencing with in vitro stimulation and analysis of specific T cells, the researchers were able for the first time to establish a complete catalogue of the immune response to pathogens and vaccines. In particular, they have catalogued all the clones that respond to a particular microorganism, determining their specificity and their functional properties, for example their ability to produce inflammatory mediators (cytokines) or to migrate to different tissues
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The language of T lymphocytes deciphered, the Rosetta Stone of the immune system
Source: Institute for Research in Biomedicine
This study describes a new approach that allows deciphering the language of T lymphocytes, which are cells of the immune system that protect us from pathogens and tumors. Combining methods of next generation sequencing with in vitro stimulation and analysis of specific T cells, the researchers were able for the first time to establish a complete catalogue of the immune response to pathogens and vaccines. In particular, they have catalogued all the clones that respond to a particular microorganism, determining their specificity and their functional properties, for example their ability to produce inflammatory mediators (cytokines) or to migrate to different tissues
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The language of T lymphocytes deciphered, the Rosetta Stone of the immune system

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Auer rods in a patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
A 69-year-old man presented with anemia (hemoglobin, 77 g/L), thrombocytopenia (platelets, 84 × 109/L), and leukocytosis (white blood cell count, 31 × 109/L) including monocytosis (2.61 × 109/L). Blood film showed a leukoerythroblastic picture with nucleated red cells and blasts. Neutrophils had dysplastic features such as hyposegmented and hypersegmented nuclei, rare circular nuclei, and hypogranulation. Blasts, including myeloblasts, monoblasts, and promonocytes, comprised 8% of leukocytes. Some blasts contained Auer rods
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Auer rods in a patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia type 2
Source: Blood Journal
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Auer rods in a patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia type 2
Source: Blood Journal
New Recommendation for Cervical Cancer Screening, Using HPV Test in USA
About 80 million U.S. women ages 25 to 65 should be screened
periodically by their health care providers for cervical cancer. At
present, the standard way to do that is a Pap smear alone, or co-testing
using both a Pap smear and a human papillomavirus (HPV) test.
Today, the clinicians who care for those women are getting new interim guidance about the health advantages of instead using the HPV test alone as the primary screen to find cervical cancer or its precursors. Under the new guidance, the Pap smear, which dates back more than 80 years, would still be used for follow-up tests if an HPV test is positive. The Pap smear will still be used for primary screening of women under age 25.
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New Recommendation for Cervical Cancer Screening, Using HPV Test Alone
Source_ Advanced
Today, the clinicians who care for those women are getting new interim guidance about the health advantages of instead using the HPV test alone as the primary screen to find cervical cancer or its precursors. Under the new guidance, the Pap smear, which dates back more than 80 years, would still be used for follow-up tests if an HPV test is positive. The Pap smear will still be used for primary screening of women under age 25.
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New Recommendation for Cervical Cancer Screening, Using HPV Test Alone
Source_ Advanced
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Scream Pathology
Histology look-a-like Rectal Scrape v Ghostface killer from Scream (1996). Remember the rules.
“ There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to...
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Source: I Heart Histo
“ There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to...
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Source: I Heart Histo
How Often You Run Quality Control?
It is widely accepted that laboratories should perform QC at least every day of patient testing. However, is this the right QC frequency for every assay and for every laboratory? Is running QC once per day really sufficient? What is the "right" frequency for running QC samples in your laboratory?
There are various factors that you need to consider when deciding an appropriate QC frequency. A good place to start is by asking the right questions:
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Quality Control Frequency
Source: Advance
There are various factors that you need to consider when deciding an appropriate QC frequency. A good place to start is by asking the right questions:
- Which assays are more stable compared to others? Which tests are higher risk and have a higher impact if results are erroneous?
- How many patient samples are you running in between QC evaluations?
- What is the time between QC evaluations?
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Quality Control Frequency
Source: Advance
Understanding Laboratory Personalities
There are a number of ways in which personality surveys may be beneficial in the workplace. Many organizations currently use personality surveys in their organization for pre-employment screening. Personality surveys can also be used to improve communication between employees and their customers to create a better culture. Customers of health care professionals are not only the patients but also other health care professionals and colleagues that we interact with on a daily basis.
Understanding differences in personality types can be a first step in overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles that allow individuals to work in harmony. Having an understanding of personality types can also assist in building teams in the work place by knowing what individuals will be most likely to work best together as well as having a team in which each individual can bring a unique skill set to the table.
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Laboratory Personalities, Part 2
Source: Advance
Understanding differences in personality types can be a first step in overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles that allow individuals to work in harmony. Having an understanding of personality types can also assist in building teams in the work place by knowing what individuals will be most likely to work best together as well as having a team in which each individual can bring a unique skill set to the table.
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Laboratory Personalities, Part 2
Source: Advance
A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria whose organisms arrange singly, in pairs, or short chains. This genus is commonly found in the intestinal tract and is an opportunistic pathogen that can give rise to bacteremia, pneumonia, urinary tract and several other types of human infection.
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Klebsiella Images - Partners Infectious Disease Images
Read more: eMicrobes Digital Library
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Klebsiella Images - Partners Infectious Disease Images

Monday, January 19, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Here's what's growing on your smartphone screen
It's news to exactly no one that our smartphone screens are unclean, but these pictures will send you straight for the anti-bacterial wipes.
As part of his biomedical bacteriology undergraduate course at the University of Surry in the UK, senior lecturer in molecular bacteriology, Simon Park, got his students to imprint their smartphones onto bacteriological growth Petri dishes so they could see what life those innocuous surfaces might be harbouring. What they found was a veritable microcosm of bacteria sourced from our various orifices and the environment around us.
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Here's what's growing on your smartphone screen
Source: Science Alert
As part of his biomedical bacteriology undergraduate course at the University of Surry in the UK, senior lecturer in molecular bacteriology, Simon Park, got his students to imprint their smartphones onto bacteriological growth Petri dishes so they could see what life those innocuous surfaces might be harbouring. What they found was a veritable microcosm of bacteria sourced from our various orifices and the environment around us.
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Here's what's growing on your smartphone screen
Source: Science Alert
Researcher Discovers New Salmonella Serotype
Marie Bugarel, a research assistant professor at Texas Tech University’s Department of Animal and Food Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, has discovered a new serotype of the salmonella bacteria. The new serotype was confirmed by the Pasteur Institute in Paris, the international reference center for salmonella.
Because convention calls for a new serotype to be named after the city in which it is discovered, this one will be called Salmonella Lubbock (officially Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Lubbock).
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Researcher Discovers New Salmonella Serotype
Read more: Texas Tech Today
Because convention calls for a new serotype to be named after the city in which it is discovered, this one will be called Salmonella Lubbock (officially Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Lubbock).
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Researcher Discovers New Salmonella Serotype
Read more: Texas Tech Today
Is Universal Flu Vaccine Soon a Reality?
A flu vaccine that works against all flu viruses and provides protection for at least two decades is getting closer to reality, according to scientists at Mount Sinai Health System. The organization’s vaccine would offer better and broader and longer-lasting protection against seasonal influenza viruses as well as novel influenza viruses
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Universal Flu Vaccine Soon a Reality, Scientists Say
Source: ABC News
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Universal Flu Vaccine Soon a Reality, Scientists Say
Source: ABC News
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Diagnosing Celiac Disease
Improving accuracy and efficiency in diagnosis
High volumes of mis- or undiagnosed CD cases - combined with increased public awareness of the disease - are creating significant new demand for CD testing. In order to effectively serve these populations, laboratories will need to increase the accuracy and efficiency with which they diagnose CD. There are two primary ways to approach this problem: improving the sensitivity, specificity and speed of their assays and diagnostic procedures; and through increasing the efficiency of laboratory processes to handle the expected increase in sample volume.
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Diagnosing Celiac Disease
Source: Advance
High volumes of mis- or undiagnosed CD cases - combined with increased public awareness of the disease - are creating significant new demand for CD testing. In order to effectively serve these populations, laboratories will need to increase the accuracy and efficiency with which they diagnose CD. There are two primary ways to approach this problem: improving the sensitivity, specificity and speed of their assays and diagnostic procedures; and through increasing the efficiency of laboratory processes to handle the expected increase in sample volume.
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Diagnosing Celiac Disease
Source: Advance
Less Stressful Jobs for 2015
The research revealed that some positions are much less stressful than others. This is particularly true of jobs in which people work one on one with others, helping them in some way, and jobs in which workers set their own schedules.
Medical laboratory technician - Do you agree?
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Most Stressful Jobs for 2015
Source: Business news
Medical laboratory technician - Do you agree?
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Most Stressful Jobs for 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015
Staining Methods for Malarial Compared
Microscopy of peripheral blood thin and thick films remains the reference for malaria diagnosis. Although Giemsa staining is most commonly used, the Leishman staining method provides better visualization of the nuclear chromatin pattern of cells. It is less well known whether accuracy of parasitaemia assessment is equally accurate with the latter method.
Leishman's staining method for thin and thick smears is a good alternative to Giemsa's stain for identifying Plasmodium parasites. The Leishman method is superior for visualization of red and white blood cell morphology.
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Comparing Leishman and Giemsa staining for the assessment of peripheral blood smear preparations in a malaria-endemic region in India
Source: Malaria Journal
Leishman's staining method for thin and thick smears is a good alternative to Giemsa's stain for identifying Plasmodium parasites. The Leishman method is superior for visualization of red and white blood cell morphology.
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Comparing Leishman and Giemsa staining for the assessment of peripheral blood smear preparations in a malaria-endemic region in India
Source: Malaria Journal
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Microscope Tattoo
She is dedicated to science
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Outline Microscope Women Right Half Sleeve Tattoo
Read more: Tattoostime.com
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Outline Microscope Women Right Half Sleeve Tattoo

Parasites in faeces - Sunday Challenge
Case: 25 years old female from Singapore has chronic diarrhea that is sometimes bloody. She has abdominal pain as well. Stool sample was taken for screening parasites. Findings from wet mount
preparation is in the imagege below. Particles are 50 -80 micrometers.
Can you identify these particles?
CORRECT ANSWER: Balanditium coli (one cyst and two trophozoites).
Can you identify these particles?
CORRECT ANSWER: Balanditium coli (one cyst and two trophozoites).
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