Case: Four years old girl from Coban, Guatemala is crying a lot. She has high fewer and she is complaining about headace. Basic blood tests were taken in the local healthcare center. CRP and leukocytes were slightly elevated and Hb within the normal limits. Family was sent to the central hospital and CSF sample was taken of the patient. Findings are in the image below.
What are the findings of this CSF gram stain?
Correct answer is below the image.
(Click image to enlarge)

Correct answer: Gram negative coccobacilli 3+ (H. influenzae) and leukocytes 3+
Gram negative short bacilli most probably haemophilius influenzae.
Leucocytosis and elevated CRP suggest bacterial infection; wellcogene test will a good tool to confirm the finding.
Leucocytosis and elevated CRP suggest bacterial infection; wellcogene test will a good tool to confirm the finding.
Plenty of polymorphs with gram negative bacilli with a elevated crp ..a clear indication of gram negative bacterial meningitis
Acute purulent bacterial meningitis
Acute purulent bacterial meningitis
Plenty of polymorphs with gram negative bacilli with a elevated crp ..a clear indication of gram negative bacterial meningitis
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